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    I was out looking at the 1Q Moon last night for 35 minutes.  I'm a little embarrassed to say that my interest in the Lunar 100 has waxed and waned; my observations date back more than a year.  One nice thing about Lunar observing is that I've made many checkmarks in broad daylight.  Last night, I was finished at 9:15 – I have no more objects left that were visible.  My count is around 75.  Mare Marginis was very visible, so I guess I know which way the Moon was turned.

    Last night was also my first time using S&T Field Map of the Moon.  I had been using a book called "Discover the Moon" which had some gaps in it – probably 10-15 objects on the Lunar 100 aren't in it.  The Map made life so much easier.  I heartily recommend this $9 map to anyone interested in learning the Moon.