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    Thanks for the news from Gameheaven and the sun pic.

    I went out last night to image T Cor Bor, and I took a shot of the Milky Way while I had the setup aligned. When I want to get out from under the bright part of the Rochester Dome I head to 23 St. NE. It’s little dead-end road off of county rd 11.  The sky is faded to the East and straight south isn’t great either. But north and west is pretty good. Last night was particularly good.


    Also, saw the longest meteor last night. It wasn’t great in any other way other than it traveled at a steady pace across half the sky straight down the Milky Way from somewhere in Cygnus nearly to Perseus. If there way somebody with me I could have called out, pointed and they would still have time to look at spot it. Never saw a meteor travel that far before. I have no idea how it cut through the atmosphere at that angle, but somehow it did.