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    Ooooo….   What scope and mount did you get? Do tell!

    I’m thinking the same thing… I want the rig I want and it’s taking forever to get it; but eventually I’ll get there. I keep seeing cheaper compromising equipment for less and I keep ignoring it, but it’s so tempting.

    Equipment I need to get to finish my setup: Astro-Camera (preferably the ASI2600mm Pro), Filter wheel (ASI EFW 7 x 36mm II), I may need the off-axis guider but I’m going to try with a guide scope first, a Dew shield and a Dew strap.  All of that adds up.

    There’s a nearly new ASI1600mm with a 1.25″ x 5 filter wheel for $700. I could buy that right now… but I really want the 2600 for so many reasons.