Home Forums RAC Main Forum General Discussion Congratulations Jack! Re: Congratulations Jack!


    Thanks Jeff,
      I miss you folks.  I've been busy this year and just have not gotten around to coming to meetings (I need to re-up my membership too!).  I'm hoping to get down to the Star-B-Q this year.  Will it be Friday, Sept. 30th or Oct. 1st?
      This past weekend I was able to camp out Friday and Saturday on  a farm south of Rushford.  It was awesomely dark and remote.  I got beautiful images of the Cocoon Nebula.  http://www.astrobin.com/262843/
      I also got images of the Cresent Nebula, but those were a little disappointing.  Earlier this summer I went to the Nebraska Star Party, but I only had one good night of imaging there.  Still, it was fun.