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Dean Johnson

    Hello astronomy fans! I hit the Flatin Farm cornfield for four and a half hours tonight. I got two Herschel 400 objects, NGC's 4800 and 4866, both spiral galaxies in Canes Venatici and Virgo respectively. Very nice objects.

    I had some dew problems, so I let the van heater do its work and gave the binoculars some excersise. M6, M7, M8, M20, M22, M31, the Perseus Double Cluster, M15 and a nice long look at the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (M24). All wonderful binocular objects.

    Jupiter was grand as always with a nice spread of all four Galilean moons, and I took in 61 Cygni (one of my very favorite double stars) and Albireo until the dew and fatigue brought me home.
