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Jeff Newland

    Yes, Gamehaven was very nice last night.  Milky Way was evident.  After the scouts, was looking a bit in Scorpius and Sagittarius. 
    Picked up some new ones for me, M80, M19, M6, M7, M28, M22, M8.  Saw Andromeda, M31, for the first time in my scope.

    The Rochester light dome was quite evident, was sort of like the Sun was never setting, but didn't really bother too much, plenty of other places to look.  Also, there was the light dome from the airport, then a little farther south, has to be Stewartville.  Again, not the biggest bother.  Moon appeared a bit before 12:30 and then we had light to the NE and getting surrounded.  🙂
